To import a file with flight data, you can login to your account on the web from any computer, such as Windows or Mac. You will be presented with a dialog box to help you with the import.
If the flight data exists in another app on this iOS device, or can be downloaded from Safari on this device, see this:
Two ways to import flights:
- Export your flight from the ForeFlight app directly to the CloudAhoy app.
- Or - download a .KML file of your flight from ForeFlight's web site and import that file into CloudAhoy.
AHRS and Stratus: Method 2 is the preferred way if the flight was logged by Stratus 2 / 2s. In that case, the .KML file will include AHRS information, adding accuracy to CloudAhoy's cockpit view.
You can use a Bad Elf GPS with the CloudAhoy iOS app to log a flight.
You can also use Bad Elf Pro in stand-alone mode, and after the flight import the data from the Bad Elf device. We recommend setting up the GPS PRO device so it automatically logs data when turned on.
Dynon Avionics' SkyView can write rich flight data in .CSV format on a USB memory stick.
Importing the data, in .CSV format, allows you to debrief using actual AHRS, barometric altitude, IAS, and many other parameters.
Garmin's VIRB video camera is gaining popularity among pilots. VIRB also captures the flight's location data in .GPX format, which can be imported to CloudAhoy for further debrief.
For a dramatically better debrief of training flights, make sure to embed the flight's video in your CloudAhoy's debrief. If you were flying for leisure, send a share link to your passengers (and maybe your Facebook friends), which includes the video!
About video embedding:
Just for completeness, we thought we'd mention the easiest way of logging a flight, using our free CloudAhoy apps on iOS and Android. You tap START before starting the engine, the app logs the entire flight, then auto-stops after landing. The data is uploaded automatically to your account, no need to explicitly import it!
Anything else you would like to share with us: